Monday, January 26, 2009

Jugo or Entrantes y tapas

Jugo!: Deliciosos jugos para disfrutar a cualquier hora del dia

Author: Pippa Cuthbert

Eating fruits and vegetables is a vital part of a healthy, balanced diet, with many health organizations and nutritionists recommending we consume at least five servings a day. Eating a banana or tossing a few strawberries on our cereal in the morning is an easy task, but having another four servings the rest of the day is a little more challenging. This collection of juice recipes, with color illustrations throughout, meets that challenge. Juice! begins with motivating recipes, continues with hunger-quenchers at noon, suggests energizers for slower afternoon hours, and offers relaxers for the evening. These delicious libations, all alcohol-free, include such tasty treats as Blackberry Pie, Beetroot Zinger, Ginger Glory, Aromatic Soother, Tuscan Nectar, and dozens more. In addition to the recipes, which are simple to make, the book contains helpful information about their nutritional benefits and the kinds of juicers or blenders needed to prepare these delectable drinks.

Interesting textbook: Secret Potions Elixirs and Concoctions or Pride of Kentucky

Entrantes y tapas (Cocina tendencias Series)

Author: Ana Perez Martinez

A new concept in cookbooks, this series is designed for those who want to replicate at home the trendy international cuisine they typically enjoy at restaurants. Simple and nutritious recipes put elegant dishes within the reach of the novice cook. Each book in the series contains 50 recipes.

Un concepto nuevo de libros de cocina, diseñada pensando en los que quieren replicar los platos culinarios internacionales que normalmente disfrutan en los restaurantes. Recetas sencillas y saludable para hacer platos elegantes para los principiantes.

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