Friday, December 4, 2009

No Frills Vegetarian or Come Lo Que te Pida el Cuerpo

No Frills Vegetarian

Author: Katie Goodwin

The No Frills Vegetarian is designed to take the stigma out of vegetarian food and how to integrate the fleshie food chain with the veggies, so that all food occasions can be harmonious without any panic to the hostess. We all love to eat, we all love to entertain our friends, so whether you eat meat or just vegetables this book will make dining easier for you and all your guests to combine and enjoy without either food chain being compromised.

Interesting book: My Mothers Breast or Tibetan Book of Healing

Come Lo Que te Pida el Cuerpo: Da un Cambio a Tu Vida Renovando Tu Manera de Comer

Author: Susie Orbach

Comer es un placer.

Comer es delicioso.

Comer es sensual.

Transforma para siempre tu manera de pensar en la comida con la ayuda de Susie Orbach. Deja de sentir la obligaciуn de hacer dieta. Ya nunca volverбs a sentirte culpable por haber comido, sino todo lo contrario: te sentirбs lleno de tranquilidad y de sustancias beneficiosas para ti. Con las sencillas y claras claves que aparecen en este libro, todos aprenderemos a comer lo que queramos, cuando queramos. Y pararemos cuando estemos satisfechos. Tan sencillo como eso. No es magia, aunque lo parezca.

Bernadette Lopez-Fitzsimmons, O'Malley Lib., Manhattan Coll., Riverdale, NY Copyright 2003 Cahners BusinessInformation. - Criticas

One of the United Kingdom's leading psychotherapists, Orbach has worked with women who have had eating disorders for more than 25 years. Divided into three sections, "Comer es agradable" ("Eating Is Pleasing"), "Comer es delicioso" ("Eating Is Delicious"), and "Comer es sensual" ("Eating Is Sexy"), this latest book offers useful advice on changing one's eating habits to manage one's weight while still enjoying food. In a tone at once professional and maternal, Orbach invites readers to improve their health by making gradual changes. The book will definitely appeal to Hispanics, as Orbach discusses many cultural issues concerning eating, advising readers to consume healthy Latin dishes like rice and beans, fish, and tropical fruits. She also encourages readers to preserve their tradition of eating together as a family and, most important, to avoid huge portions and fast food. Rather than a step-by-step dieting guide, this is an inspirational book that redefines dieting. Orbach complements each page with a short, practical verse meant to alleviate the stress associated with change in dietary habits. She concludes the book with an inspiring Q&A in which she interviews different women about their eating practices and dieting experiences. Orbach's straightforward style and unadorned presentation will allow readers to identify what interests them without necessarily following a chronological order or reading the entire book. Highly recommended for middle and high school libraries serving adolescents who face pressures to be thin, as well as for public libraries and bookstores.

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